East Aurora Emergency Dentistry

What Is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dentistry is dentistry that focuses on assessing, stabilizing, and treating dental emergencies. Emergency dentists provide urgent dental care for critical dental complications requiring immediate attention.  They’ll stop the critical issues affecting your teeth and gums before they spiral out of control, necessitating more complicated and expensive treatment. Unlike regular dentistry, emergency dentistry doesn’t require appointments and can be administered after hours, including during weekends and holidays.

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What to Do During a Dental Emergency?

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Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

The most important thing to do in a dental emergency is to maintain a level head. Doing so puts you in a better position to handle the dental situation. Once calm, assess the severity of the dental emergency, identifying where it hurts, the level of bleeding and checking for other injuries.

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Control Bleeding

In case of bleeding, rinse your mouth with a warm salt water solution and spit it out. Next, apply pressure to the bleeding area using a cotton ball or gauze. Simply place the gauze or cotton ball in the bleeding area and gently bite into it.

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Preserve the Knocked-Out Tooth

If you knock out the teeth, carefully pick it up (including broken fragments) and rinse it with cold running water. Remember to hold the tooth by the crown and not the root. Put the tooth in a glass of cold milk or water and call the dentist.

Elma, NY dental implants

Contact an Emergency Dentist

Take over-the-counter pain medication to help with the pain, and contact us for top-notch emergency dental services. We’ll put one of our highly-qualified emergency dentists on your case. They’ll immediately arrange an appointment and address your emergency promptly.

Common Types of Dental Emergencies

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Knocked-out Tooth

A knocked-out or severely fractured tooth is among the most common dental emergencies. Knocking out your tooth leads to severe pain since it exposes sensitive nerves to the environment. Patients who visit the dentist within an hour of knocking out their teeth can get them re-inserted and rehabilitated.

Severe Toothaches

Another dental emergency is excruciating toothaches that don’t stop even after taking painkillers. These toothaches occur in cases of severe dental decay or physical trauma to the tooth. An emergency dentist will help manage the pain and administer the required treatment.

An Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can be a dental emergency, depending on the abscess's severity. If left untreated, a tooth abscess could spread to other areas like the jaw, neck, face, and ears. In severe cases, they can lead to septic shock.

Orthodontic Emergencies

Defective orthodontic devices are also a dental emergency. Broken wires, loose braces, or protruding wires can cause great pain. Seeing an emergency dentist is vital to stopping the pain from worsening and ensuring your orthodontic appliances work correctly.

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Have Questions About Emergency Dentistry? Find Answers Here

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Is a Toothache a Dental Emergency?

Yes and no, depending on the severity of the toothache. Minor toothaches can wait a day or two before seeing your East Aurora dentist while you manage the pain with OTC painkillers. Severe toothaches, however, require prompt dental attention, especially when painkillers don’t help with the pain.

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Is a Chipped Tooth an Emergency?

A chipped tooth is rarely an emergency unless the chip extends to the tooth’s canal and exposes the sensitive nerves. That said, you can judge whether a chipped tooth is an emergency by gauging the pain level. Excruciating pain that doesn’t stop despite taking painkillers is definitely a dental emergency.

Why Is Prompt Care Important During a Dental Emergency?

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Prompt care is important during a dental emergency to stabilize the situation and administer appropriate treatment. Failure to do so could lead to the worsening of the dental situation, translating to expensive and more complicated treatments. Dental emergencies could also lead to non-dental related complications that risk your general health.

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How are dental implants made?

The implant and the titanium “post” are the two main parts of your dental implant. The titanium post is the implant that is placed into your jaw. It’s crafted out of titanium because this material has proven to be a sturdy foundation for your replacement teeth; these are pre-made to fit your mouth. 

After your implant has been placed, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental lab to create a restoration that will mold seamlessly into your jaw. The restoration is generally made out of porcelain or composite material. The durability and realistic appearance of the crown will serve just as well as natural teeth.

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How long do dental implants last?

If the implant component is placed properly and the wearer practices good dental hygiene, it will last a significant amount of time. It’s actually very common for patients to keep them for a lifetime.

The restoration, dental crowns or bridges, can last for decades! However, they may need to be replaced eventually due to normal wear and tear. This is to ensure that you continue to have healthy oral hygiene and a brilliant smile.

Can dental implants get infected?

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Unfortunately, It’s possible for dental implants to become infected. “Peri-implantitis” is a rare condition where the implant becomes infected due to poor aftercare following the procedure. 

Although this condition is rare, it’s important to carefully follow your dentist’s instructions during your recovery. Keep up with good oral hygiene habits, like regular brushing and flossing, even after your dental implants have healed. By doing this, you won’t have to worry about an infection.

Will dental implants stop bone loss?

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Dental implants are the only dental restoration that prevents bone loss. Bone loss occurs after losing a tooth. Because of this, your jaw is no longer stimulated by the natural habits of chewing and biting, causing your jaw bone to weaken from lack of use. This is solved with dental implants because they bond directly to the jaw, serving as a sturdy root. The pressure of chewing and biting is transferred to the jaw, once again providing that much-needed movement to keep your bone from losing density.

Can dental implants be done in one day?

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In some cases, dental implants can be completed in one day. But typically, these restorations will be a temporary prosthetic to protect the implant site and keep your bite functional until the permanent restoration. The temporary restoration is implemented so that you are able to eat and speak while the implant is permanently healing and bonding to your jaw. 

While the implant is healing, your dentist in Elma will schedule a series of follow-up visits. Your dentist will monitor the healing process which usually lasts about 3 to 6 months. During this time, your dentist will take impressions so that your personalized restorations can be created. These permanent restorations will be placed in your next procedure so that you can have the brilliant, enduring smile you want.

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