Emergency Dentistry in Elma, NY

What is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dentistry refers to immediate care provided to patients experiencing severe dental issues that require urgent attention. These dental emergencies can range from a knocked-out tooth, severe toothache, dental abscess, to a broken or fractured tooth. The primary goal of emergency dentistry is to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and protect your overall oral health. At Springbrook Family Dentistry, Dr. Finney's expertise in emergency dentistry ensures that patients receive immediate and effective treatment, thus reducing the risk of long-term dental complications.

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The Emergency Dentistry Treatment Process

Emergency dentistry in Elma

Immediate Consultation

At the onset of a dental emergency, the first step is an immediate consultation. This involves a thorough examination of the affected area, which may include digital X-rays to evaluate the extent of the damage. Dr. Finney will then discuss the findings with you, ensuring you understand the situation and the necessary treatment options. The consultation is crucial as it sets the stage for the subsequent steps in the emergency dental care process.

elma emergency dentistry

Pain Management and Treatment

Once the problem has been identified, the next step is to manage the pain and commence treatment. This could involve procedures such as root canal therapy, tooth extraction, or dental fillings, depending on the severity of the condition. Dr. Finney and his team are proficient in administering pain management techniques that ensure maximum comfort during treatment.

elma emergency dentistry

Post-Treatment Care and Follow-up

After the immediate treatment, post-treatment care and follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the healing process and prevent potential complications. This could involve prescribed medication, advice on oral hygiene practices, or additional treatments if necessary. Regular follow-ups ensure your dental health is restored and maintained.

The Benefits Of Emergency Dentistry

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Immediate Pain Relief

One of the primary benefits of emergency dentistry is the immediate relief from severe dental pain. Dr. Finney's expertise ensures efficient pain management, providing comfort and easing anxiety during a dental emergency.

Prevents Further Damage

Emergency dentistry not only addresses immediate concerns but also prevents further damage. Prompt treatment can save a damaged or infected tooth from extraction, preserving your natural teeth and preventing more serious dental issues in the future.

Saves Time and Money

Though it may seem counterintuitive, seeking immediate professional help during a dental emergency can save both time and money in the long run. It can prevent the need for more complex and costly procedures down the line.

Timely Resolution of Dental Trauma

Emergency dentistry promptly addresses dental trauma, such as chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth. Rapid intervention can often salvage your teeth, avoiding the need for extensive and expensive treatments.

Infection Control

In cases of dental infections, early intervention through emergency dentistry can prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of your mouth or body. This not only saves you from further discomfort but also safeguards your overall health.

Peace of Mind and Reduced Anxiety

Knowing that you can rely on emergency dentistry for urgent dental issues provides peace of mind. It reduces anxiety and ensures that you have a trusted professional to turn to during dental emergencies.

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Have questions about emergency dentistry? Find answers here.

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What should I do if I’ve knocked out a tooth?

You may be inclined to panic, but the best thing to do is to remain calm. If you can find your tooth, hold it by its top, or crown, to prevent further damage. Gently rinse the tooth with warm water and place the tooth back in its socket if possible, but be careful not to force the tooth back in place. You can also put the tooth in a container of cold milk to keep it from drying out while you are heading to your emergency appointment.

It’s extremely important to call your dentist immediately after experiencing a dental emergency. A knocked-out tooth has only about 1-2 hours in which it can be saved, replaced, and splinted by your dentist. Give us a call right away to schedule an appointment, then head to our office to get the emergency care you need.

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What should I do if my dental work has fallen out? 

If your dental crown, filling, bridge, or other appliance happens to fall out, there’s no need to panic. Simply place your dental work in a container or plastic bag so you can bring it to your emergency dental appointment. Then call us to schedule an emergency visit so we can treat your issue right away.

Losing a dental appliance exposes your teeth and gums to bacteria, which can cause an infection, further decay or damage, and lead to even more issues down the line. A loose, broken, or missing dental appliance is considered a dental emergency and warrants a same-day appointment. Contact us as soon as you can to schedule a visit.

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What should I do about a severe toothache?

 A severe toothache that lasts for several days may be caused by a tooth infection, which is a serious dental emergency. Fortunately, root canal therapy can be used to restore your tooth and soothe the pain.

Call our office immediately If you’re experiencing a lasting toothache. To alleviate any discomfort before your appointment, take over-the-counter pain relievers, place a cold compress on your cheek, or apply a topical numbing gel to the painful area.

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What should I do about a chipped, broken, or cracked tooth?

If a broken or cracked tooth is left untreated, it is at risk for infection and other complications. Don’t hesitate to give us a call so we can help guide you on the next steps, and see if your injury requires immediate treatment.

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What should I do about a loose tooth?

If one or more of your teeth becomes loose due to oral trauma, call our office right away for a same-day appointment. It’s crucial to get emergency dental care soon, as the nerves that run through and support your tooth could die, leaving the tooth unsalvageable. 

After calling our office for your emergency appointment, try to keep the tooth as stable as possible. Avoid touching the loose tooth with your tongue or fingers, as this can lead to further damage and increase the risk of infection. Once you’re at our office, your dentist will apply a splint that stabilizes the tooth, providing support and allowing the tooth to heal and reattach to your gums.

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My child has a cavity in their baby tooth? Why do we need to fix it?

Did you know cavities are actually the most common childhood infectious disease? About 60% of children have a cavity by the time they are 5! While it’s true that baby teeth will eventually fall out, it is still important to treat cavities on baby teeth. Baby teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, hold the place for adult teeth. If these teeth are lost early your child will lose space in their mouth, leading to limited space for the adult teeth to come in properly. This leads to increased need for orthodontics (braces) later on!

Additionally, when baby teeth become infected not only will your child develop pain, but it can permanently damage the adult tooth coming in underneath it. Therefore, we try to treat cavities on baby teeth early while they can be simply pulled rather than when they need extensive work like crowns or to be pulled.

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If you’ve knocked out your tooth, place it in a container of cold milk to preserve the root while you head to your emergency appointment.

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